Hello, is it possible that the emf390 doesn't detect the neighbor's wifi ? I explain a bit more. I'm electrosensitive to rf and yesterday I was been victim a really very hard wifi attack! Yes, like it were a weapon. I lose blood from nose and I was very bad for many hours. But my emf390 didn't detect anything. My neighbor has 3 very powerfull wifi router in a house of just 100mq. I suspect that he bought 3 router exactly for use them like weapons. So my question is: is it possible that the emf390 doesnt see anything ? Can I do anythong to increase sensitivity ?
Hi Lewis, it is very unlikely for the EMF-390 to miss a very strong wifi signal. Unless it is something else.
Hello, I have had the same problem other few times and again the emf390 doesn't record anything. Some years ago I wrote an email to you to have the last version of the firmware but maybe my computer have been attacked.Format the pc doesn't solve the problem. So I have two questions: 1) is there a way to backup the current installed firmware so that I try to open it and check if it's the original one? 2) I can send you my public encryption key and you could send me the firmware encrypted with my key and signed with your private key. In this way should impossible to substitute the fimrware image a modified one. Then I'll try to flash again the firmware.