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 New firmware 1.22 = very high CPM on gmcmap

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Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/30/2018 : 09:34:16
Real time data uploaded to now is showing 2000+ CPM average versus 20+ CPM average prior to firmware 1.22 with firmware 1.14. Can you guys fix something and not break something else at the same time? Did you check your firmware before sending it to me? I am getting very frustrated by the level of incompetence in the support I have been getting for a $320 device. It's a decimal point in the code!!!!!!!!!! The very basics of mathematical calculations. You guys are really making yourself look like a joke of a company. Just look at my data in New Jersey on the map from the last 24 hours. You will see current data from my counter uploaded every 5 minutes. Its not GREEN and there were no nuclear disasters reported on the news. I'm seriously ready to return this to Amazon.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 07/31/2018 : 20:01:25
Try the new version Data Viewer:
hiro Posted - 07/31/2018 : 14:37:10
Also after the software update the email will calm down.
Thanks again for your patience.
EmfDev Posted - 07/31/2018 : 10:08:42
Thank you very much. You will receive the update from support.
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/30/2018 : 21:35:38
Ok lets fix it. You guys have many emails from me. Send the fix.
EmfDev Posted - 07/30/2018 : 20:04:56
The problem can be because of the software that's why it's showing wrong values. But we will fix it definitely.
The WiFi is there so that you don't need to connect to a computer when sending data to the server as long as it can detect the WiFi signal.
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/30/2018 : 17:43:40
I use software, your free software. WiFi is very weak from next room over so I don’t use it. And by the way that is another problem with this device. The WiFi on this unit is useless unless you use in same room. While at the same time I can go 4 houses down the street and still have my phone connected to same router. WiFi on this device is about as good as a few usb cables attached together.
EmfDev Posted - 07/30/2018 : 15:50:08
Sorry about that, we will definitely fix this as there was supposed to be only 1 change in the code(mac address).

Can I ask if you're using the software to upload the data? or The device WiFi?

Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/30/2018 : 15:18:23
Readings on the device appear normal. Nothing changed with my computer. Updated firmware loaded yesterday and I started uploading live data today morning.
EmfDev Posted - 07/30/2018 : 10:29:23
Hi Sonicmixmaster, what is the actual reading on the device?

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