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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 Food/Sample Testing 500+, 600/+
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Stargazer 40

431 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  12:47:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been working in the new release for 500+ and 600/+ meters to get a better understanding of the Food/Sample testing process as implemented in the meters. This is a different kind of process from others, but is most similar to Timed Count. Timed Count from the main menu takes you to a Timed Count menu where you establish a delay and then a measuring time and when you start, off it goes. You need to back out to the Timed Count Text screen to see the results.

The Food/Sample Testing process is arrived at by repeated pressing of S1 (normally rotates you through Large Font, Graphic Mode and Text Mode). The Food/Sample Testing screen shows up after the Graphic Mode display and before you get back to Large Font. When you reach this screen you are at Step #1.

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The default measuring time is set to 5 minutes. The middle two buttons control the measuring time and moving to Step #2. The arrows on the right of the screen are across from the respective buttons (S3 and S2) and what they do is described at the bottom of the screen. You can only change the time longer with the down arrow button (S2). When it hits 24hrs you rotate back to one minute. There is no way to change the default from 5 minutes to say 1 minute, but GQ has changed the button timing and it's much easier to change the amount quickly. I'd like a shorter starting time (1 minute) as it's easy to get to 5 minutes if I want more. Once you're happy with the time you press the up arrow (S3) to go to Step #2.

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This step tells you to place the meter next to the Sample 1. If testing a sample against another sample don't forget to make sure you position the primary M4011 tube against the sample centered on the opening. With the power button upper right the M4011 tube is at the bottom of the meter. If you're doing the background measure and not comparing two samples against each other then simply set the meter somewhere convenient away from the sample. Then press the up arrow (S3) to start the measure. You have a 5 second delay before the measure starts as shown by time you set plus 5 seconds.

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When that is complete you are asked to place next to Sample 2 (or the Sample if measuring against background). You can change the time with the down arrow (S2) but it is easier to leave them consistent. When close to the sample again press the up arrow (S3).

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The meter goes into measure mode and when complete there is a display of the analysis. At the bottom is an up arrow to mean press S2 if you want to start again.

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This is a straight forward approach. We'll next look at what to do to halt the analysis and return to the start screen.

Stargazer 40

Edited by - Stargazer 40 on 11/25/2019 16:33:06
Reply #1


2297 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2019 :  17:11:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Stargazer_40 for the wonderful instructions on how to use the Food/Sample Mode.! Just to add, when collecting data, you can press S3 to stop and keep whatever it recorded before it reaches 100% to proceed to the next step. Or press S2 to also stop and proceed to the result screen. Thanks!
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Reply #2

Stargazer 40

431 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2019 :  04:30:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So as EmDef says, if you want to restart the process, you need to complete the flow. If getting ready to measure by placing next to Sample 1 (or Background) at Step #2 you need to simply start the measuring process by pressing up arrow (S3) to get to Step #3. Then end Step #3 with up arrow (S3) to get to Step #4. Start that measurement with up arrow (S3) again and stop it with another up arrow (S3) and you're at the analysis screen. Once again by pressing up arrow (S3) you arrive back at Step #1. This can be done quite quickly so not an inconvenience to start over.

Stargazer 40
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