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 4. GQ Hot Air Soldering Rework Station
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United Arab Emirates
2 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2015 :  02:34:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I bought the 5200 Soldering SMD rework station, in all fairness I am new to soldering I bought this device as I want to start building my own quadcopters and at times fix/upgrade my collection, after research I came out and bought the 5200. Needless to say I am operating on 240 watts machine. I have been having problem doing any soldering successfully. I am either to cold as a device or too hot. The only way I am able to solder only on high heat i.e. 350+ degrees Celecius. Meanwhile, all the videos state otherwise in terms of temp. The wires I am using are at best 14 AWG, yet no success. In addition trying to connect T60's connectors.

What am I doing wrong? majority of the soldering is cloudy, too much smoke, etc. etc.

Reply #1


United Arab Emirates
2 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2015 :  03:30:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In addition I have noticed that when I use lower heat i.e. 260 degrees Celecius, while trying to tint the wires or otherwise I tend to get more of a paste outcome of solder instead of flowing liquid. Is this normal as it is very difficult to work with.

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1271 Posts

Posted - 01/20/2015 :  11:20:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The GQ-5200 has hot air and the iron for soldering. If you are trying to solder a wire, then iron is the correct tool to use. The hot air is for SMD chip like devices.

Yes. You are right , the temperature setting is the hardest part to get the best result. It is totally depending on your solder wire type and the target parts. Different solder has different melting temperature point. Example, if your solder wire melting point is 280C, then I would like to put the temperature to 25% more at 350C.
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