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 5. GQ Power Supply
 GQ-1502DD protection current
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Posted - 03/19/2012 :  20:42:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The current knob of GQ-1502DD is a about 0.6~2 amp current limit protection setting.

To set the protection current:

1. Turn the power supply on, the power LED should be RED.
2. Turn the voltage to the 0.00 V
3. Turn the current knob to the most right side (Maximum current position). The current reading still be 0.00 since no current used.
4. Short the + and ¨C probes.
5. Increase the voltage slowly until you see the current reaches your desired protection current. For example, 0.90 amp.
6. Turn the current knob slowly to the left side until the power LED changes color to GREEN(protection triggered).
7. Disconnect the shorted + and ¨C probes and turn off and turn on the power supply.

Now, you are ready to use the power supply at any voltage, and the unit is been set to the 0.90 amp current protection limit.

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