Author |
Topic  |
23 Posts |
Reply #1
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/02/2022 : 13:06:04
Hi ccds, thank you for letting us know about this issue. We will check and fix this. |
Reply #2
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/02/2022 : 15:43:00
Thank you very much! Looking forward for your response! |
Reply #3
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/02/2022 : 17:10:57
We checked and looks like the database has been recently updated. But you should be able to see new data. |
Reply #4
23 Posts |
Reply #5
23 Posts |
Reply #6
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/02/2023 : 14:57:43
hello, our devs were investigating why our website crashes too much and is basically inoperable this past few weeks and said they had temporarily fixed the issue. Maybe this is the reason why some features disappeared. May I ask how much data do you need from the map and how often do you make your calls? |
Reply #7
23 Posts |
Reply #8
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Reply #9
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2023 : 11:13:12
Can you guys check it? The devs changed the time to MST and removed the timezone parameter. |
Reply #10
2305 Posts |
Reply #11

3 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2023 : 17:07:40
To the devs,
Your JSON is broken, the link:
{"time":"2023-02-06 17:58:44 MST"",CPM":"21"",ACPM":"19.81"",uSv":"0.14"}
The commas are misplaced, the correct output should be:
{"time":"2023-02-06 17:58:44 MST","CPM":"21","ACPM":"19.81","uSv":"0.14"}
Anyone trying to parse data as it is currently given will get errors. |
Reply #12
23 Posts |
Reply #13
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/07/2023 : 10:44:52
Im not sure what you mean but as long as you know the Param_ID, you can get those last data readings. User can also convert the MST to their own timezone. You dont need to pull the history everytime, you can just store those data in your own database and pull from those.
This is to reduce the server load as the server keeps crashing or becomes very busy when there are too many requests. |
Reply #14
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2023 : 20:03:47
Yes, I understand the server overload when increased requests. We want to get our site up and running again in terms of collecting historical data from your site. Converting MST to our time zone is easy and not our problem. From our correspondence, as I understand it, the option with gmc-plain-data.asp will no longer working. He gave us 500 records for the latest historical data in JSON. After changes on your site, a new link was suggested, which gives one last JSON record for historical data ({"time":"2023-02-08 18:33: 30 MST","CPM":"19","ACPM":"22.53","uSv":"0.06"}). Is it possible to increase the number of recent entries, let's say at least up to 20?. The reason why one entry is not enough for us is that we take data from your site every 20 minutes and when this one we get only the last one and do not see what happened during the previous 20 minutes for our GMCs that are registered on your site.
To solve our problem (if it is not possible to give us 20 or more records in JSON format by reference), I think about 2 options: 1. take data from , hence rebuild cron for 1 minute (if host allows) instead of 20 minutes. 2. take data from which now gives 500 data, but rather slowly. By the way, instead of this option, it was proposed by you (hero) gmc-plain-data.asp JSON version.
If you offer another version, we will be very happy. |
Reply #15
2305 Posts |
Reply #16
23 Posts |
Reply #17

3 Posts |
Posted - 02/10/2023 : 08:23:09
Another error for the devs.
Currently the link:
{"time":"2023-02-10 09:12:00 MST","CPM":"16","ACPM":"19.81","uSv":"0.10"}<br>
The HTML line break at the end is not defined by JSON and while it will not show up when viewed in a web browser, it will cause JSON parsers to break. You can "view page source" to verify that the HTML line break exists.
Parse error on line 1:
Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got 'undefined' |
Edited by - tinwhisker on 02/10/2023 08:33:04 |
Reply #18
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/10/2023 : 12:28:30
Agree with tinwhisker doesn't give correct JSON (there is <br> between records). From the proposed, too, I can extract the data. It would be nice if there were corrections.
I'm waiting for an answer, because I can't fix our script until I finally know in what form I will receive the data. |
Reply #19
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2023 : 11:35:09
Just removed the <br> is this the correct way? |
Reply #20
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2023 : 15:07:20
This version can also be used to collect data. Previous version (with <br>) was also acceptable. For me, the key was the "&n=xxx" parameter. json_decode($json) PHP function gets an error with suggested versions, so there was a question with <br>.
More specifically JSON in the form: [{"time":"2023-02-13 13:59:08 MST","CPM":"16","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.05"},{"time":"2023-02-13 13:53:03 MST","CPM":"22","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.07"}, .... ,{ "time":"2023-02-13 13:53:03 MST","CPM":"22","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.07"}] is processed correctly.
tinwhisker do you think the above proposed JSON is acceptable for you?
I need to know in what final form I will receive the data. From it depends how I correct the data collection script that was written earlier according for gmc-plain-data.asp. |
Reply #21
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2023 : 16:42:40
for n=1, [{"time":"2023-02-13 13:59:08 MST","CPM":"16","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.05"},] does this work with comma "," before the closing bracket?
Same with n > 1? Is it ok to have comma before the closing bracket? [{"time":"2023-02-13 13:59:08 MST","CPM":"16","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.05"},{"time":"2023-02-13 13:53:03 MST","CPM":"22","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.07"}, .... ,{ "time":"2023-02-13 13:53:03 MST","CPM":"22","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.07"},] |
Reply #22
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2023 : 17:02:57
if n=1 last comma "," is wrong, correct is [{"time":"2023-02-13 13:59:08 MST","CPM":"16","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.05"}] comma must be only between records [{"time":"2023-02-13 13:59:08 MST","CPM":"16","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.05"},{"time":"2023-02-13 13:53:03 MST","CPM":"22","ACPM":"22.55","uSv":"0.07"}] last comma also wrong before closed last bracket "]" |
Reply #23
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2023 : 17:48:01
ok now can you test it and see if this is the correct format? |
Reply #24
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/14/2023 : 09:45:45
I tested and now the format is correct.
If this format remains so, I will adjust my script for this.
Thank you very much. |
Reply #25

2 Posts |
Posted - 02/20/2023 : 14:57:46
Hey there, what about the timezone parameter? Does it still work? It seems it is currently ignored and all values are provided in MST timezone |
Reply #26
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2023 : 14:17:09
Hello you will need to convert MST to your timezone. |
Reply #27

2 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2023 : 22:37:23
Hey EmfDev, you mean i need to do the processing locally and that API no longer supports timezones? |
Reply #28
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2023 : 10:18:21
That is right. It helps to reduce server load. |
Reply #29
23 Posts |
Reply #30
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Reply #31
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2025 : 10:54:16
Checking.. |
Reply #32
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2025 : 13:30:42
Thank you EmfDev for help Now it works |
Reply #33
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Posted - 02/13/2025 : 03:53:02
Thanks EmfDev, it works! |
--- Marco de Chaligny --- |
Reply #34
11 Posts |
Reply #35
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Reply #36
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2025 : 17:18:49
It is causing the website to crash due to too many calls. |
Reply #37

1 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2025 : 05:30:48
same here error 404 for some days now. odd is that works...
who can fix this, and also is there a way to extract with a local API? I am using home assistant... |
Reply #38
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2025 : 06:21:14
@EmfDev Would it be possible to limit the number of simultaneous calls with a few additional lines of code? |
--- Marco de Chaligny --- |
Reply #39
23 Posts |
Reply #40

1 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2025 : 01:44:58
Hi guys. I made a bash script that uses the historyData.asp and parses the latest entry in the table. Maybe it helps you somehow. It downloads the public history page, it extracts the table, then reads the first line in the table (the latest value inserted) and converts it to JSON. You need to install "pup". All other tools should already be installed by default in your distro. You probably need to check/convert the timestamp and you need to use your own ParamID in the COUNTER_ID, but it should work without any other tweaks.
COUNTER_ID=<enter your Param_ID here>
curl -s "$COUNTER_ID" 2>&1 | pup 'table tbody:nth-of-type(1) tr text{}' | awk 'NF' | head -n 4 | paste -d ' ' - - - - | awk '{print "{\"timestamp\":\""$1" "$2"\", \"CPM\":\""$3"\", \"ACPM\":\""$4"\", \"uSv\":\""$5"\"}"}' > /home/gmc/rad.json
The json shows up like this: {"timestamp":"2025-02-24 09:37:57", "CPM":"21", "ACPM":"19.34", "uSv":"0.14"} |
Edited by - big_bum on 02/24/2025 01:51:20 |
Reply #41
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2025 : 05:45:52
Thanks big_bun, that's nice! But unfortunately, I don't have Linux. Could you port this script to html/Jscript and/or PHP ? |
--- Marco de Chaligny --- |
Reply #42
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2025 : 11:33:53
We will check it so we can put it back. |
Reply #43
23 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2025 : 16:20:31
Thank you EmfDev Now link works |
Reply #44
23 Posts |
Reply #45
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Posted - 02/25/2025 : 05:27:00
@EmfDev What is the purpose of "pCi/L":"-" in the return string ? |
--- Marco de Chaligny --- |
Edited by - Marco de Chaligny on 02/25/2025 05:30:05 |
Reply #46
23 Posts |
Reply #47
2305 Posts |
Posted - 02/27/2025 : 12:55:20
due to lots of calls to this link which is making the server crash, we changed it to only pull the latest data. pCi/L is for radon.
try not to call it multiple times within a short period. |
Reply #48
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2025 : 03:31:34
OK, Thanks EmfDev |
--- Marco de Chaligny --- |
Edited by - Marco de Chaligny on 03/01/2025 03:32:02 |
Reply #49

4 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2025 : 13:20:59
It seems something is up. GMCMap stopped showing new data around 2025-03-01 07:07:20 GMT.
I randomly clicked on some "bubbles" and was unable to find a date after that time.
I also have 2 devices with totally different methods of submission and both stopped.
Mort's Creations |
Reply #50
23 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2025 : 15:50:19
sorry EmfDef may you return &n paramater If This not possible I consider Renew my script and take hystory data from, this give 500 i not need simultaneously 500 record This I think not good Idea our page is
Reply #51
11 Posts |
Posted - 03/02/2025 : 06:29:31
quote: Originally posted by mortification77
It seems something is up. GMCMap stopped showing new data around 2025-03-01 07:07:20 GMT.
I randomly clicked on some "bubbles" and was unable to find a date after that time.
I also have 2 devices with totally different methods of submission and both stopped.
Yup. I can confirm this as well. |
Reply #52
Marco de Chaligny
12 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2025 : 06:06:23
There has been no update of the measures since March 1st !!!  |
--- Marco de Chaligny --- |
Reply #53
19 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2025 : 07:10:34
Every day I always check to make sure my data is being sent to the map. The program connected to my GMC-320 plus says it's successfully sending data every 5 minutes as the server is replying "OK" - yet I do not see the new data populating into the map at the icon which represents my sensor. The only data I see is from 3-1-25. Any idea why the new data I'm sending is not populating my icon on the map? For that matter, others on Long Island NY are also not showing any new data - the latest is 3-1-25. Can this be corrected, please? Many thanks! |
Reply #54

3 Posts |
Reply #55
2305 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2025 : 11:09:12
hello thanks for letting us know. we will check it now. |
Reply #56

4 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2025 : 06:11:28
I have DISABLED my HomeAssistant data pull JUST IN CASE it was causing unnecessary load. I was unaware of the "plain" URL, so it was pulling down the history every 5m or so using the standard one.
I would have LOVED to have set the RadonPRO to send DIRECTLY into my HA's NodeRed Flow, but the RadonPRO does not have the ":" character in the "Server" menu to add an alternate port into the host configuration. This means that the RadonPRO requires a Web Server ON PORT 80 ONLY.
Having NO Radon Logs on a device I just purchased, I created a simple Pi Pico HTTP Server that will listen for the RadonPRO's data and will then forward it on to my HA instance. It is an extra "Gateway Device" to maintain, BUT it is cheap and effective.
I want to rewrite it with non-blocking sockets and then I'll upload the code to Github so that others can use it.
Since it's all within my own Network now, I even changed the interval to 1m so that I have up-to-the-minute data in my HA Instance...
Mort's Creations |
Reply #57
Tom Johnson
17 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2025 : 16:08:39
Add me to the list with those not having History Data available for my 500 & 500+. WI-FI connection is Good and I get a "Verified" reply but History Data is not updating from 3/1/2025. PS - My MADAR UAP CPM data is showing up OK. As of 3/4/2025 at 17:10 PST the Map History Data is working again. Thanks to IT Tech Support. Looks like update cycle is now 5 minutes vs 10 minutes. :) |
Edited by - Tom Johnson on 03/04/2025 23:42:37 |
Reply #58
11 Posts |
Posted - 03/05/2025 : 08:21:07
Now if we could just get rid of all the old nonsense readings we’d be sitting pretty.
Reply #59
11 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2025 : 06:12:03
I don’t think the map is updating again. |
Reply #60
2305 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2025 : 10:49:24
look like the map is still working. do you mean your own station is not updating? |
Reply #61
11 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2025 : 08:25:10
quote: Originally posted by EmfDev
look like the map is still working. do you mean your own station is not updating?
Yeah, my data hasn’t been updating on the map for several days now. I’ve verified successfully. I get OK.ERR0 every 5 minutes. Not sure what is up. My counter ID is 63425252718. |
Reply #62
11 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2025 : 08:10:57
quote: Originally posted by EmfDev
look like the map is still working. do you mean your own station is not updating?
Still not updating. Any recommendations? |
Reply #63
2305 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2025 : 10:20:38
can you provide your station? what is the results when you go to server -> test connection? |
Reply #64
2305 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2025 : 10:21:10
try to create a new one and change device id with the new one. |
Reply #65
11 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2025 : 17:19:57
quote: Originally posted by EmfDev
try to create a new one and change device id with the new one.
Well this is interesting. It’s only in the iOS app that isn’t updating for me. If I look at the map on the website, it’s been updating this whole time! What in the world? |
Topic  |