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1271 Posts |
Posted - 06/24/2011 : 07:22:48
This is a GMC-080 kit main board.
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Reply #1
1271 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2011 : 10:01:16
GMC-060 kit with SBM-20 tube installed by Ryan: "I modified the end caps of a SBM-20 geiger tube to fit nicely in the geiger kits I got from you guys. The circuit seems to power the tube just fine even under super high counts. "
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Reply #2
1271 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2011 : 10:05:37
GMC-080 will work in same way for SBM-20 geiger tube |
Reply #3
1271 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2011 : 10:22:22
Another two examples:
GMC-060 with GMT-033 tube
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[b]GMC-080 with GMT-02 tube]
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Reply #4
1271 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2011 : 14:56:29
GMC-080 kit, a CI-3BG Russia Geiger tube installed:
The CI-3BG a is low sensitivity tube.
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Reply #5
1271 Posts |
Posted - 06/29/2011 : 16:17:10
Tube 6107 on GMC-080:
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Reply #6
1271 Posts |
Posted - 08/09/2011 : 22:10:45
M4011 tube installation procedure.
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Reply #7
1271 Posts |
Posted - 01/09/2012 : 22:25:28
GMC-280 with M4011
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Reply #8
1271 Posts |
Reply #9
1271 Posts |
Posted - 12/03/2012 : 14:44:16
Alpha,Beta,Gammer Tube From Automic.Dave:
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Reply #10
1271 Posts |
Posted - 12/03/2012 : 14:48:44
Alpha detectable tube installed on GMC-300/GMC-280 (SBT-9) reacting to a uranium ore sample (a good distance away too!)
From brianweber4:
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The SBT-9 mica end window:
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Case closed!
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The SBT-9 tube:
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Reply #11
1271 Posts |
Posted - 07/24/2013 : 21:42:12
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Reply #12
1271 Posts |
Reply #13
1271 Posts |
Reply #14
1271 Posts |
Reply #15
202 Posts |
Posted - 12/30/2015 : 10:31:51
Hi. I just finished my customization!

I choosed a SBT-A11 as it detects alpha radiation and I don't need to change the voltage. I didn't do it the same as Alchemy2 because I don't have a drill or dremel. That left me with enough space to fit BOTH tubes in it. But I am not sure if it will work without changes to the electronics and I don't really need the M411 tube now.

I used my soldering tool to melt out enough plastic to fit in the SBT. That's not how you're supposed to use it, I know, but it was the only solution for me. After cleaning it with a scalpel it started to look good though. I bent a piece of fence roughly that I can slip on and off if I need a little more sensitivity for alpha rays. I glued the tube to the casing and the battery holder with two little drops to the board to kill noise and nuisance. One problem is the bulge. I'm not sure if I just cut the lid holding brace away or not.

I do like the position of the tube. It has some drawbacks for autonomous measuring, but the handling is Awesome! I especially like the little sparks that ionized particles leave. :D
GMC-300E+ V4.20 with sbt-11a alpha tube
My statements are "stuff-a-hobbyist-says" and not in any way professional. |
Edited by - Distelzombie on 01/10/2016 08:00:33 |
Reply #16
1271 Posts |
Posted - 01/21/2016 : 13:10:19
Nice. |
Reply #17
202 Posts |
Posted - 02/06/2016 : 05:08:40
What would you say? Will it work with both tubes In in? |
GMC-300E+ V4.20 with sbt-11a alpha tube
My statements are "stuff-a-hobbyist-says" and not in any way professional. |
Reply #18
1271 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2016 : 21:03:35
The tube circuit should be able to drive two tubes.
Reply #19
202 Posts |
Posted - 02/16/2016 : 10:14:00
OK, you're right. It works fine. :D But I'm not sure about the benefit... |
GMC-300E+ V4.20 with sbt-11a alpha tube
My statements are "stuff-a-hobbyist-says" and not in any way professional. |
Reply #20

3 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2016 : 23:39:25
Hi! I just got my 320Plus and I'm already waiting for my SBT-11A. I think I will use some coaxial connectors and leave the device ready to plug in different probes. I think I'll probably build an enclosure for the probe itself and then just use coaxial cable to connect everything.
By the way.. I understand I don't need to change the voltage to use the SBT-11A, but is there an easy way to change the voltage in the 320 in case I want to try other tubes? |
Reply #21
17 Posts |
Posted - 11/22/2016 : 19:03:19
Hi, I am going to order my sbt11a soon and have designed a modular system. I have designed a case extension that you can 3D print. It slides over the right side of the Geiger counter. It stops about 1 inch in and leaves 1.5 inches of free space. I plan on using it for my SBT11a. I designed it specifically for it. I will post a link to the file soon. I also will be making it modular so I can change tubes quickly. Thinking of using a BNC connector or something similar. let me know what you think. |
Victor |
Reply #22
17 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2016 : 06:43:23
I reworked the design and made it more modular. Instead of a case extension, I made an external probe. The modular system uses a BNC connector. The problem is that the BNC cable has a resistance of 75ohm. Do I need to raise the tube voltage? |
Victor |
Reply #23
1271 Posts |
Posted - 02/07/2017 : 20:16:18
The tube voltage will OK. But you may need to adjust the input capacitor on board. |
Reply #24

3 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2017 : 19:40:02
Still have to make a probe handle for my SBT-11A but check out these ionization flashes! Works in parallel with stock tube on my GMC-320:
Reply #25
161 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2019 : 12:41:21
GMC-320+V5 extension with a SBT-9 Russian Alpha, Beta, Gamma counter tube.:

Two-pole DIP switch for selecting the counter tube. 1 on, 2 on, or 1 & 2 on.:

Accessible from outside through the battery compartment.:

An additional hole in the housing for the mica window of the SBT-9 counter tube to measure the alpha radiation.:

Of course, the layout had to be changed on the board on the cathode side of the counter tube. Counter tube 1 (M4011) has the original 3MOhm anode resistor and Counter tube 2 (SBT-9) is operated with a 10MOhm anode resistor.
Geiger Counters: GMC320+V5 & GMC500+ Geiger Tubes: M4011; SI-3BG; SBT-9; LND712; SBM-20 |
Edited by - Geo-Johnny on 09/11/2019 12:45:02 |
Reply #26
1271 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2019 : 13:58:17
Excellent work. Thank you for sharing your design. |
Reply #27
Stargazer 40
431 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2019 : 14:01:09
Very nice! Is the SBT-9 an end window tube like the LND 712? How much did the tube cost? Did it come with resistor? |
Stargazer 40 |
Reply #28
161 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2019 : 22:53:08
Nice that you like it, thank you. The SBT-9 counter tube is an end-window alpha tube and is sometimes available on Ebay for around $ 40. Example: The SBT-9 is not as sensitive in the beta and gamma range as the M4011 or the similar LND712 counter tube, but enough to experiment with. The offered SBT-9 counter tubes are all new but older years of construction and were used on Russian spacecraft.
Edit: The SBT-9 has no integrated anode resistor! Ideal is according to data sheet a 10MOhm resistor. |
Geiger Counters: GMC320+V5 & GMC500+ Geiger Tubes: M4011; SI-3BG; SBT-9; LND712; SBM-20 |
Edited by - Geo-Johnny on 09/11/2019 23:12:57 |
Reply #29
51 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2019 : 10:31:11
Has anyone tried to install a SI-8B tube in a GMC-600? |
Reply #30
Stargazer 40
431 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2019 : 11:34:47
In post #5 of this thread I mentioned that I acquired an SI-8B pancake tube from Lithuania
I also acquired a simple GMC PCB board and case from that vendor. The SI-8B is quite large and unlikely to fit in the 600 case if I recall correctly. The GQ power supply should power it fine. The GM tube came with a steel clip on cover for shielding betas. The built meter with vendor supplied case and battery power works quite well, but very limited capabilities from op system and GC board. I am away from it at the moment but will post some pics in comparison with the 600 to show scale. Till then here is a pic of the completed meter and two more of the business end of the tubes, and finally the beta shield in place over the SI-8B. I also bought the vendor's SBT-11 version. These are simple counters and have ability to manually adjust voltage, but really quite limited. The case is almost twice the size of the 600.
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The best way to employ this with the 600 is to buy it in a wand variation such as this one on Ebay and wire it in as a DIY.
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I'll post pictures when I get back to my meters.
Stargazer 40 |
Edited by - Stargazer 40 on 10/05/2019 11:59:49 |
Reply #31
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2022 : 07:13:55
Hey all.
I'm new to the world of GM-tubes (and electronics) , and have tried to find in the forum some good examples of how/where you guys place the resistor (when needed) when adding a new tube.
I have the GMC-300E plus that I recently bought on Amazon and have ordered a SBT-9 which is on it's way.
From what I understand I need a 10M Ohm resistor for it to work properly? But that there is no need to modify the voltage or anything (not that I even would know how to do that but still).
So if anyone had some nice examples of how one can connect the new tube with the resistor and to the GMC3xx that would be very helpful.
And if you have any other tips or pics of anything like that I would really appreciate that!
Like I said I'm a total noob with electronics but I do own a soldering iron at least, and I am prepared to learn how to use it ;)
Thanks |
*beep* *boop* |
Reply #32
1189 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2022 : 00:08:18
Show us a picture of the tube with a ruler on the side so we can see tube dimensions. A link to the tube specs is also helpful. |
Reply #33
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2022 : 06:04:19
quote: Originally posted by ullix
Show us a picture of the tube with a ruler on the side so we can see tube dimensions. A link to the tube specs is also helpful.
I'll do that when it arrives. I'll update this post then. |
*beep* *boop* |
Reply #34
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2022 : 11:51:50
quote: Originally posted by Geo-Johnny
Of course, the layout had to be changed on the board on the cathode side of the counter tube. Counter tube 1 (M4011) has the original 3MOhm anode resistor and Counter tube 2 (SBT-9) is operated with a 10MOhm anode resistor.
The board on my GMC-300e+ looks identical to your board and I'm curious if you connected the SBT-9 like I painted in blue here?

And I'm also curious how you connected the other end (+) and where you placed the 10MOhm resistor?
I'm planning on modding my counter with a SBT-9 also and your design looks really nice, but I'm very new to electronics and just trying to understand how it all connects together . :)
My board below

*beep* *boop* |
Edited by - Redshiftzero on 12/11/2022 12:01:40 |
Reply #35
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2022 : 11:45:39
quote: Originally posted by ullix
Show us a picture of the tube with a ruler on the side so we can see tube dimensions. A link to the tube specs is also helpful.
All right! Finally it arrived.

*beep* *boop* |
Edited by - Redshiftzero on 12/29/2022 11:47:23 |
Reply #36
11 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2022 : 11:54:33
So just a question abt moving the tube holding clips, can I just move them to the ones I outlined in white in this image below?
And I will just change the tube and use only one, the SBT-9.
And add no extra new resistors.
Well see how it goes... =)

*beep* *boop* |
Reply #37
11 Posts |
Posted - 01/07/2023 : 11:16:33
It seems to work at least, although the background count is pretty low around 13 CPM. I do not have any good samples except a small piece of meta-uranocircite which does not really give off many more CPM.
Calibration should not affect the CPM anyway only the conversion to uSv right?
Could I have messed up with my amateur tinkering somehow ?
Connected the tube with a short wire to the negative clip (as in the picture, then taped it up with electrical tape) and used the clip on the board for the + side.

*beep* *boop* |
Reply #38
1189 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2023 : 01:21:29
"Calibration" is indeed just a single factor to multiply the count rate with.
The SBT-9 tube specs say "Background noise at 25 °C = 0.15 pulses/sec" which is CPM=9. h**p://
Thus your CPM=13 is in full agreement with expectations.
For easily accessible radioactivity in household items look into my "Potty Training"
Another item with a decent K-40 load is Cocoa - Powder. Enjoy a hot chocolate with your count rate ;-)
Edited by - ullix on 01/08/2023 01:24:49 |
Reply #39
11 Posts |
Posted - 01/27/2023 : 10:27:35
quote: Originally posted by ullix
"Calibration" is indeed just a single factor to multiply the count rate with.
The SBT-9 tube specs say "Background noise at 25 °C = 0.15 pulses/sec" which is CPM=9. h**p://
Thus your CPM=13 is in full agreement with expectations.
For easily accessible radioactivity in household items look into my "Potty Training"
Another item with a decent K-40 load is Cocoa - Powder. Enjoy a hot chocolate with your count rate ;-)
Thanks i'll check it out! :) |
*beep* *boop* |
Reply #40

1 Posts |
Posted - 03/27/2023 : 08:46:58
Excellent work. Thank you for sharing your design.
Edited by - lalkelalke04 on 04/01/2023 06:13:03 |
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