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 Profile issue/ incorrect Time Zone

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tazn8tr Posted - 07/17/2018 : 14:05:48
When setting up my profile it request time zone, I am -600 united states central Time zone, so I set it for US Central time zone, then click on update profile! each time I look it has me in central time zone for Mexico, which is 1 hour difference (1 hour behind), both time zones show -600, but Mexico Central Time Zone is 1 hour behind my actual time zone. Not that it is really a big deal what Time Zone it list me at, its just the principle that its not correct and bugs the heck out of me, any solution to this bug??
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hiro Posted - 07/26/2018 : 14:48:46
Hi,since our server is affected by daylight saving time offset, the time zone calculated based on your time zone offset and the time information our server has may differ by 1 hour. Please adjust your time zone accordingly. Thanks.

Originally posted by Sonicmixmaster

I have also noticed that the data I upload live every 5 minutes is behind 1 hour although both software, profile setting and my detector are set to eastern time. Could server time be incorrect? I have noticed on a different forum in the past that even if all user settings are for correct time zone, server time if set incorrectly was throwing off the time on the site.

Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/25/2018 : 04:34:15
I have also noticed that the data I upload live every 5 minutes is behind 1 hour although both software, profile setting and my detector are set to eastern time. Could server time be incorrect? I have noticed on a different forum in the past that even if all user settings are for correct time zone, server time if set incorrectly was throwing off the time on the site.
hiro Posted - 07/17/2018 : 14:36:57

The name of the time zone offset doesn't matter, it just helps you find your time zone number quickly. So no matter what time zone it says, if the number is correct, then your history data should be fine.

If you are currently located in Daylight Saving Time area, or we are using wrong data for any of the time zones, please change the time zone according to your current time zone offset.

Originally posted by tazn8tr

When setting up my profile it request time zone, I am -600 united states central Time zone, so I set it for US Central time zone, then click on update profile! each time I look it has me in central time zone for Mexico, which is 1 hour difference (1 hour behind), both time zones show -600, but Mexico Central Time Zone is 1 hour behind my actual time zone. Not that it is really a big deal what Time Zone it list me at, its just the principle that its not correct and bugs the heck out of me, any solution to this bug??

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