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UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/05/2023 : 09:53:36
Just got a new GMC-500+ from Amazon.

I'd just like to verify that my hardware and firmware versions are the latest.

The hardware silk-screened on the board is: GMC6 v5.4
I assume this is the latest HW version as it is the latest mentioned in the threads.
(Nice of GQ to make this visible with the battery compartment open!)

The firmware version shown in the menu is: 2.50

Do I have the latest or do I need a firmware update?
Where do I get the firmware updates for this unit?


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 12/06/2023 : 13:56:33
Didnt receive it. Just sent you an email too.
UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/05/2023 : 18:23:38
Link on your profile
EmfDev Posted - 12/05/2023 : 16:14:38
Did you send to support or from the link on my profile?
UnstableIsotope Posted - 12/05/2023 : 13:00:49
Just sent it.

EmfDev Posted - 12/05/2023 : 10:44:45
Hi Scott, please send me or to support your device's serial number.

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