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 New GMC-500+ and the “Third Party Output” Setup mi

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Tom Johnson Posted - 02/18/2025 : 08:17:20
New GMC-500+ and the “Third Party Output” Setup missing from September 2020 Revision 2.0 User Guide ???

This “Third Party Output” feature is only viewed on the GC’s Display at Main Menu/Others/Third Party Output/On or Off.
Weather Underground and Ambient Weather can share their weather data between their Weather devices. Can GQ’s Geiger Counter (GCs) share their GC data between GQ and MADAR Data Servers ? MADAR is trying to add the GQ component data output to their current MADAR Data Probe to improve their detection of UAPs. Check out this MADAR Network URL for latest info on this Subject matter –
Here is our current MADAR device locations - . I have Node ID 268. My MADAR Data Probe and GM-500+ are located in Oak Harbor, WA – 60 miles North of Seattle. I presently have my GMC-500+ connected to my HP laptop to extract the data that I need to correlate and validate my UAP detections –" target="_blank"> . In the past year I have detected one UAP and one USO within 1 mile from my Home - and" target="_blank"> . The first UAP was visible for 1.3 seconds and can be seen at video time 1:55 on this DropBox file –
The synergy between GQ and MADAR groups in the areas of GC Devices and MADAR Data Probes either individually or having both GC Devices and Data Probes independently detecting UAP activity at a single site location would significantly improve our present means of independent UAP detection, correlation and verification. – Tom Johnson / AKA RAVEN 268
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Tom Johnson Posted - 02/18/2025 : 09:59:37
The GMC-500 with its WI-FI connection when connected to the MADAR Data Probe with its USB cable can provide CPM data to facilitate the detection of UAPs. Copy and paste URL to Browser.

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