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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 GC Icon on Map

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Tom Johnson Posted - 02/07/2025 : 17:45:21
How long for GMC-500+ to show on Map once Registered ?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 02/20/2025 : 11:01:25
goto gmcmap and create and account and add a device. Then you will get the UserID and CounterID from there.
sfoss1960 Posted - 02/19/2025 : 15:16:30
In the settings on my new GQ500, under:
Server>User ID (where does this come from?)
Server>Counter ID (where does this come from?)

And as I asked above, how do I set it so that when my "unit" appears on the map, that the PopUp box shows my name as MADAR249?
sfoss1960 Posted - 02/19/2025 : 15:11:42
How do i set the name of my online GQ500 to MADAR249?
I don't see any options for that.
EmfDev Posted - 02/10/2025 : 14:18:27
WiFi should be turned on.

go to Menu -> Server -> Test connection, if the result is successful, then your device is sending data to the server based on your period.
Tom Johnson Posted - 02/07/2025 : 18:37:40
What option has to be turned ON to get my data to the MAP Server ?
Probably to turn OFF the MENU/SETUP Options ???
Since they are now OFF the Display is showing what I was expecting to see.
And Yes I did read through the complete User Guide.
Finally was able to get all the correct inputs in the right places and have my device online as "RAVEN 268" on NE corner of Whidbey Island about 60 miles North of Seattle.
EmfDev Posted - 02/07/2025 : 17:46:15
As long as you start sending data, you should see it.

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