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 Where to find API info?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bdmeyer Posted - 02/03/2025 : 16:26:51
I am a member of a group that would like to learn how to access the GMC-500's readings programmatically.
It would be fine to either pull from the online database, if such an API exists, or, can we read directly from USB while still sending to the GQ radiation map via WiFi?

Secondly, we would like to be able to query specific dates going back a couple of years if that is possible/allowable. We are researching events and trying to discover if radiation readings changed at specific locations during those times. Thanks for ANY guidance anyone can offer.
-= Bruce
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bdmeyer Posted - 02/04/2025 : 12:52:15
Originally posted by EmfDev

You can also directly read from the device. there is a protocol on how to get those data. you can find it from our download page and a quick search will also let you find how to parse the data.

specific dates are not supported.

Thank-You for the information EmfDev.
EmfDev Posted - 02/04/2025 : 12:16:12

You can also directly read from the device. there is a protocol on how to get those data. you can find it from our download page and a quick search will also let you find how to parse the data.

specific dates are not supported.

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