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 Drones, radiation reading now in NJ and CT? URGENT

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Drones2024 Posted - 12/15/2024 : 10:48:21
Is the data correct on the map right now in the NJ area? Im unfamiliar with this site. Is this anomalous, normal, or a radiation event which explains the drones and military craft over the East coast this week?

Why are the 1000s green? Look also at Connecticut.

One says 90210, are the counters hacked?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 12/18/2024 : 07:27:08
There are some malicious data posting on in a past a few days. We have cleared most of those. All data on website are not officially verified. But all those manually submitted data with Unknown station name are suspicious. All data with station name and automatically uploaded data more like a real data. Those data normally has station name, ACPM and uSv/h dose rate been calculated correctly.

Drones2024 Posted - 12/17/2024 : 08:44:39
Anyone else? The nightly news is talking about radiation reading in NJ / NY and suggest that is the reason behind the secretive miliatary drones being seen nightly...
Drones2024 Posted - 12/15/2024 : 11:32:29
I just said I'm not familiar with this site. I have no knowledge about why this site would have wrong data on it. With military aircraft flying over NJ and much of the East coast every night this week, there is reason for concern. Others have identified some of the drones as the type that search for radioactive materials. I think I'll wait for a second or third opinion hopefully from a moderator.

New Jersey just declared a State of Emergency:
Cartel Posted - 12/15/2024 : 11:15:06
ya its a scam bud
those "stations" have zero history yet the legit stations around them show history and a low cpm.

use your head

Drones2024 Posted - 12/15/2024 : 11:00:39
Anyone who is a regular here?

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