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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 Calibrate GMC-300 reading to sync with another

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ZLM Posted - 03/21/2012 : 10:58:49
If you have a GMC-300 and want to match the reading with another Geiger counter, here is the infomation.

The GMC-300 unit is set to factory calibration data for the regular basis range using.

If you want more accurate reading, you can change the calibration data yourself. Since you have another Geiger Counter, then you can use it as a reading reference to calibrate the GMC-300 reading.

There is a calibration menu item on GMC-300. Steps to calibrate the GMC-300:

1. turn on the GMC-300 for a few minutes and let it get background CPM stable. Write down this CPM value on paper.
2. turn on your another Geiger Counter and get the background reading stable. Write down the uSv/h value on paper.
3. goto the Calibration menu on GMC-300, select Calibation 1 from menu and enter the CPM and uSv/h value from your paper.

If you have more radio active source, repeat those steps to set Calibration 2 and Calibration 3.

OK, now your GMC-300 is calibrated the reading and it should have same reading as your another Geiger Counter.

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