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 Yeah old GMC-800 won't shut down

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ophidia Posted - 02/17/2025 : 21:31:07
Hey all,

I've been using this device for about a year and it's been working fine. Just within the past few days it no longer will shut down when holding the power button. It will make the shutdown chime and show the shutting down message, then the message goes away and it stays on. Pulling the battery obviously turns it off, but when you power it on afterwards, it will continue to refuse powering down.

I've left the battery out for several hours and the issue persists. I considered doing a factory reset on it, but my concern is that I'm not sure if that will wipe out the factory calibration. Will that happen? Other than a factory reset as a next step, I'm a bit at a loss. Any advice will help.

Thank you!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EmfDev Posted - 02/18/2025 : 12:02:48
hi ophidia, so does the device turn off in the end?
ophidia Posted - 02/17/2025 : 22:02:55
So, apparently, it somehow took me this long to realize that if you hold down the power button too long it'll chime, say shutting down, then just stay on. I was holding the button too long. So. Whoops.

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