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 GQ GMC-300S Battery Removal and Calibration

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Frank61845 Posted - 11/27/2024 : 02:39:50
I have a question regarding the GQ GMC-300S device. If I remove the battery and leave the device without power for an extended period, will this have any negative effect on the calibration or overall functionality of the device? Alternatively, would it be better to leave the battery in the device during long-term storage?

I don't plan to use the device for precise measurements. My primary concern is whether it will still be capable of detecting life-threatening radiation levels in an emergency situation after being stored without battery/power for a long time. Thank you for your support.
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EmfDev Posted - 11/27/2024 : 16:31:04
Yes. In any case where the configuration is corrupted i.e. speaker set to off, no backlight, 0 cpm, lost calibration, etc, you can do a factory reset to config the values to default.
Frank61845 Posted - 11/27/2024 : 14:00:24
Thank you for your response. So, if I understand correctly, the calibration is not affected by whether the device is without a battery or power. It cannot "forget" the calibration. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
EmfDev Posted - 11/27/2024 : 12:20:43
It is ok to do both. Keeping the battery will preserve the date and time. BUT there is a parasitic current of 16uA when device is off. So eventually the battery dies after a long time. Better to charge the device and power on to check if it is still working once in a while maybe couple of months.

Taking the battery out is still ok but we still recommend to check on the device to see if it still work and charge the battery once in a while.

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