I'm interested in calculating the uSv/h value displayed on the device screen from the USB communication protocol <GETCPM>> & <GETCFG>> for the PyGMC Python package - https://github.com/Wikilicious/pygmc
I'm not interested in calibrating the device with a known source...
I'm interested in how does the device use the calibration config to display uSv/h.
i.e. How do I compute the displayed uSv/h on the device without a <GETUSVH>> command?
Here is what I was using:
uSv/h = (CPM / CalibrationCPM_0) * Calibration_uSv_0
Some devices such as GMC-300S have identical calibration ratios for all three calibrations... however other devices such as GMC-600+ do not. The calibration procedure in the user guide https://www.gqelectronicsllc.com/GMC-600UserGuide.pdf did not offer a hint to how the calibration config is used.