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 2.GQ Geiger Muller Counter
 GMC-800 terminal interface

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bmomjian Posted - 03/20/2024 : 11:01:27
I was able to successfully connect to the GMC-800 using the Linux terminal interface 'cu'. I used the command:

cu --nostop -l /dev/ttyUSB3 -s 115200 dir

The "--nostop" is needed so binary data coming from the GMC-800 is not interpreted as xon/xoff flow control commands. You might also need to set 'raw' mode using stty.

I used speed 115200, and the commands listed in this forum at:

I am specifically using "<GETCPM>>". The AT commands did not work for me.
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bmomjian Posted - 03/30/2024 : 03:42:59
The API for the GMC-800 is at
bmomjian Posted - 03/27/2024 : 16:28:34
Originally posted by ullix

I think you would be better off coding in Python. Code as simple as your current is e.g : ""
you find here:
There are some nuanced increases in complexity in files on the same site.

Pre-releases of developments are:

Looks interesting, though on the GMC-800 the CPM is four bytes, so the script would need modification. Fortunately my script is working.
ullix Posted - 03/27/2024 : 09:26:57
I think you would be better off coding in Python. Code as simple as your current is e.g : ""
you find here:
There are some nuanced increases in complexity in files on the same site.

Pre-releases of developments are:
bmomjian Posted - 03/26/2024 : 06:47:36
Originally posted by EmfDev

AT commands are not supported on hte GMC-800. It does not have WiFi feature.

Ah, good to know about AT not being supported.

I ended up realizing that 'cu' was overkill for my purposes so I went with a simpler Linux shell script. It just sends the command to the device and gets the reply. I found that each time I reconnect the USB cable to the device, I have to send ">>" to get the connection established; if I don't the first command I send is ignored:

# connected?
[ ! -e /dev/"$GEIGER" ] && exit 1

stty -F /dev/"$GEIGER" raw -echo 115200

# Was tty reconnected?  Reset so we get a reading on the second try.
if ! stty -F /dev/"$GEIGER" | grep -q 'rprnt = ^K'
then    # send dummy command
        echo -n '>>' > /dev/"$GEIGER"

        # set a dummy settings so we can detect reconnection
        stty -F /dev/"$GEIGER" rprnt '^K'

CPM=$(perl << 'END'
        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Momjian_us;

        # could hang, allow two seconds for read
        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { exit(1) };

        my $device = "/dev/$ENV{GEIGER}";
        open(my $geiger, '+<', $device) or
          sysdie("cannot open $device");

        print({$geiger} '<GETCPM>>');

        sysdie("cannot read four bytes from $device")
          if (read($geiger, my $byte4, 4) != 4);
        # Network/big endian ordering 4-byte integer
        # Newer models use 4-byte CPM for the GMC-500+, not 2
        print unpack('N', $byte4) . "\n";

        alarm 0;

echo "$CPM"
EmfDev Posted - 03/21/2024 : 09:42:31
AT commands are not supported on hte GMC-800. It does not have WiFi feature.

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