I bought a radioactive sample that measures 2577 on an very expensive RadAlert counter. My GMC-200 will NOT read above 1310 not matter what I do in the settings...
Can you explain the tube type and the voltage? Voltage test points are on another topic. Unless the tubes are at least the same type I don't see how the test results would be the same. Even then voltage variations between the same kind of tubes can cause variations in test results.. That's where calibration comes in to play. But you can't calibrate what the tube can't "see" maybe some pictures? maybe the expensive rad meter cost so much for a reason... I've found my cdv-700 is much more sensitive to the test source than the gmc-080 with an Anton 6107 tube. But for the cost, and portability I am quite happy. But again, comparing different tubes can be apples to oranges..
This is my CDV-700 check source which reads from 1000 to 1500 CPM on the actual 'calibrated' CDV-700.
The screenshot shows the volume I had it at. This was with the new M4011 tube I received today. At about 375volts with an unmodified GMC-080, performed in the same manor as the instructions for the CDV-700, with the probe right against the check source.
Pretty decent I'd say.. Although it's not above 1310 CPM..
OK. This person may be on to somehting here. I just discovered the Am241 source found in your average smoke detector, and put it up against the 6107 tube with all the modifications and such.. Topped the software out at 1290 CPM.. I think it sounded much higher.
I can also confirm the stock 080 will detect the Alpha radiation at a lower count. But it still goes 1000CPM. Even the CBON-6108 with the same voltage settings as the M41011 tube detected the Am241. Screaming!
With a registered software, the Setting->Other menu item is enabled, and there are settings related to the count accuracy. It may increase the high count limit.