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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 4 local counters Very High!?

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scofferoff Posted - 03/26/2022 : 16:54:11
I need an explanation on why several readings are 400x what I see everywhere else. Just browsing so not familiar with values etc.
Any ideas?

I'd expect 1 counter to maybe spike once in a while, but there's 4 10-20 Miles apart.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 04/10/2022 : 15:24:50
Any of GQ GMC Geiger Counters are able to submit data to
But the GMC-500,GMC-500+,GMC-600+ have Wifi feature, so that you can submit the data without a computer.
southyorks Posted - 04/09/2022 : 23:40:46
I'm in this area, what is the fastest way to get a sensor and put it online?
Originally posted by EmfDev

They are very very high. We will check this.

EmfDev Posted - 03/28/2022 : 09:45:26
They are very very high. We will check this.
scofferoff Posted - 03/28/2022 : 04:22:36
Aaah I see .. SO it's not at all "Real-Time".
Site needs some modernising then...
GBG12 Posted - 03/27/2022 : 19:29:40
The only way to get current data from the GMC map is to click on "time range", choose 24 hours, then refresh. The default includes old and sometimes bad data.

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