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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Old data is showing as new and new showing as old.

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Sonicmixmaster Posted - 08/16/2018 : 13:22:19
Go look on my history page by clicking on my counter on the map and then check history data. You will see that current data from today is showing in the old data and old data is showing in new data sections. They are reversed.

Find my counter in Bloomfield which is in North Eastern most part of New Jersey. I don't know how to get a link to my counter directly.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ZLM Posted - 08/18/2018 : 11:21:01
Sorry about this. We need to check it later. For now, you may use previous version.
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 08/18/2018 : 10:40:22
No difference with the version uploaded today.
here is the log from the app.

COM3 opened successfully.
Heartbeat started..
Realtime monitoring started.
GMC-600+Re1.14 connected on COM3@115200.
ZLM Posted - 08/17/2018 : 23:02:20
The software just been uploaded again to make sure the version is correct.

Please download it again.

It does not need to reboot the computer.
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 08/17/2018 : 22:38:06
I rebooted the computer after running the new pro software and saw that no readings show in app.
ZLM Posted - 08/17/2018 : 22:28:12
Yes. The software has been tested.

Is there anyone else used this PRO5.57 and has this problem?
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 08/17/2018 : 14:44:27
You guys are really amazing!. Version 5.57 now shows no readings at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you guys do any testing at all before releasing software for download?
ZLM Posted - 08/16/2018 : 23:27:34
You GMC-600+ unit is good and no problem. The weird spikes in the data comes from the Data Logger PRO Windows software. Please download the latest version Data Logger PRO.
Here is the link:
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 08/16/2018 : 16:47:27
I just checked. It got fixed. I don't know, I am getting a lot of weird problems with the use of your top of the line counter ever since I received it. Makes me question if others are also experiencing these problems? I'm still getting weird spikes in the data in excess of 100 CPM. Counter hasn't changed location and position in over 2 weeks. Is anyone looking at my .bin I posted in few days ago in the other thread? Maybe I should return this as it appears that I am doing a lot of quality control that GQ Electronics should be doing.

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