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 My GMC-600+ is displaying WIFI mac address wrong

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Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/26/2018 : 15:51:56
The device shows mac address of 5E:CF:7F:xx:xx:xx
My router WIFI connection log shows 5C:CF:7F:xx:xx:xx

Displaying the incorrect mac address can cause the device to not connect if anyone wants to setup mac address filtering on their router which I have done on mine for increased security.

It appears that the GMC-600+ incorrectly reads WIFI module mac address OR some of the mac address data is hard coded and the rest pulled from WIFI module.
I did a little web search for 5C:CF:7F mac address and it belongs to Espressif Systems which is a WIFI and Bluetooth chipset manufacturer in Shanghai.
Did the same search for 5E:CF:7F and it came up as unknown. Just to refresh your mind this is the mac address displayed by my GMC-600+.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/27/2018 : 16:39:05
That is what I thought but my router's mac address definitely does not look any way like this one.
EmfDev Posted - 07/27/2018 : 10:57:57
***AP mac address

Access point, it can also be an access point but for this unit, it's configured as a client/station.
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/27/2018 : 10:22:48
What is an AP address?
EmfDev Posted - 07/27/2018 : 10:17:04
Hi Sonicmixmaster, thanks for noticing this issue. It appears to be software bug, that address is apparently an AP address not
station address. You can email customer support for firmware update.

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