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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Old data showing on map

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Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/25/2018 : 04:29:31
I have noticed that many of the locations have old data some from 2 months ago. Why are you keeping old data on the map? I highly doubt it is accurate from months ago. Your server should throw out old data if no updates are shown for a set amount of time.
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GBG12 Posted - 11/03/2018 : 16:50:42
OK, I'll go back to just looking at, and for my quick check on the continent. This map takes too long to load with all the old data.
But I will continue to monitor the forum :)
EmfDev Posted - 11/01/2018 : 08:45:21
Hi GBG12, I think they changed it back to all data.
GBG12 Posted - 10/31/2018 : 19:43:48
I'm still seeing the default being all data (which is mostly old). While I'm waiting for it to load I have to select 24 hour (which should be the default), wait for all data to complete, then it refresh and wait again before I see the data I want. Can you please check that the update worked?
hiro Posted - 07/30/2018 : 13:04:33
This is updated now.
hiro Posted - 07/30/2018 : 11:17:10
Yes I also prefer new data! We will change the default to 24 hours.
Sonicmixmaster Posted - 07/26/2018 : 15:09:00
Yes agree that people want to keep their historical data. The map should default to last 24 hours so people first loading the page will not get old readings from many counters that are no longer updating.
hiro Posted - 07/25/2018 : 09:34:27
Hi, there is an option on the map for you to select the data's time range.

I also want to throw out data but some of the users still want it:(

Originally posted by Sonicmixmaster

I have noticed that many of the locations have old data some from 2 months ago. Why are you keeping old data on the map? I highly doubt it is accurate from months ago. Your server should throw out old data if no updates are shown for a set amount of time.

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