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 kind of time data in "history data"?

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gfr50 Posted - 07/02/2018 : 06:49:16

I want to know what kind of time&date that is:
* simply the Date-time as it appeared on the geiger-device
* local time

Tank you so much

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hiro Posted - 07/25/2018 : 09:23:10
Yea you don't have to worry about the user's time zone settings since the database is not affected by the user's time zone setting. Whenever there is new data sent from a unit to our database, the database just saves it immediately, no matter which time zone the unit is in.

I understand sometimes it can be really confusing:(

Originally posted by gfr50

Thanks, but the problem ist that some users have a obviously wront timezone setting - new history data show that.

EmfDev Posted - 07/24/2018 : 15:51:15
Which timezone do you want to find out? The incorrect one? or the correct one?

for the correct timezone
You can check their history data to get the latitube/longitude then go this website
then input paste the latitude longitude and put a comma in between, e.g. 32.952228,-117.249832
then you can get their timezone GMT Offset UTC/GMT -7.00 hours

Now if you want to know the incorrect timezone that they set.
just open 2 browsers for their history data, on the other one, click the use my timezone.
That way you can compare your timezone you set to your profile and also theirs.
gfr50 Posted - 07/24/2018 : 06:39:12
Thanks, but the problem ist that some users have a obviously wront timezone setting - new history data show that.
hiro Posted - 07/23/2018 : 09:56:28
To view other user's data in your own time zone, there is a "use time zone on my system" button if you are not logged in, and if you are logged in, the time zone of the history data will be automatically changed based on your time zone settings.

If you want to check the specific location's time zone, we suggest you to google the time zone based on the user's longitude and latitude since this is not restricted by us.


Originally posted by gfr50

I there a possibility to see the timezone of historic data of any other station?

Thank you


gfr50 Posted - 07/22/2018 : 06:53:31
I there a possibility to see the timezone of historic data of any other station?

Thank you

ZLM Posted - 07/15/2018 : 20:23:10
The history data default to US Mountain Standard Time.
However, you can change to any timezone from your account profile once you logged in.
EmfDev Posted - 07/02/2018 : 08:43:04
When you first got the device, the time is set to PDT(Pacific Daylight Time) which is 7 hours behind UTC.

However, you can set the date and time using your computer and the history data will record using that time.

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