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 1.Geiger Counter World Map(
 Standard location of Geiger Counter

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Chucho Posted - 03/25/2018 : 07:46:19
Hi there,
I am a completely newcomer in this forum and as user of gmcmap.
My experience shows that different Geiger Counter results may come up depending of the location of the counter, e.g. different values if allocated in the cellar or on the upper room of the building. Is there any preferred location (standard location) of the Geiger Counter when reporting to gmcmap?
Is there any preference in allocating the device HORIZONTAL or in VERTICAL position?
Many thanks, Chucho from Germany
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chucho Posted - 07/22/2018 : 12:42:49
Many thanks, ZLM, for your answer. So the readings on the World Map are not completely compatible. But at least they give a first impression of the radiation at a certain time interval at a certain geographical location. Regards, Chucho
ZLM Posted - 07/15/2018 : 20:20:41
Only GMC-510 and GMC-520 have GPS feature to automatically update the location.

All other models meed to be updated manually.
tazn8tr Posted - 07/14/2018 : 04:47:10
as far as location, when traveling around with device does the device make note of location and record that location, or does one have to put in the location of a high reading, or does the device just record the same location no matter where you get reading when upload to map. I am assuming no mater where you get the reading it will up load to the default location
ZLM Posted - 04/16/2018 : 21:14:03
No. With in a room, the average reading should be same. So the location does not matter.

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